Meet The Team

God's Leading Ladies (GLL) Ministry Leader
Lady, Dr. Kimberly Motton
GLL women's ministry is designed to cater to women's spiritual, mental, and emotional needs. With bi-monthly small group sessions and yearly retreats, the women of NRWC and the community will feel encouraged and inspired as they deal with life's challenges. Proverbs 31:30.

College Ministry
Kaylin Bone
Our newly formed College Ministry is designed to attract and minster to young adults of college age. We understand the responsibilities of being a student and the expectations accompanying them. Therefore, this ministry aims to create and maintain engagement among peers by attending various community activities that establish bonding and support.. Follow the College Ministry on our Facebook page @newremnantworshipcenter and Instagram @newremnant. Psalm 133:1.

Audio/Visual Ministry Leader
Anthony Brooks
The AV Ministry is responsible for the audio and visual presentations during our Sunday morning worship. We understand how impressionable our services should be overall and that they include more than traditional experiences. With dedicated staff members, we are on purpose with complementing our Sunday and various other services with high-quality sound and lighting that will add to your overall worship experience. Matthew 7:24-25.

Praise Team Ministry
Sha'Myia Butler
Psalm 66:1 says, "Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious." Praise and worship are centered around God our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior. He is the only object of our praise. We aim for a unified praise in voice, heart, and intention. Our praise team has been given the assignment to make His praise glorious!

Service Ministry
Amanda Chadwell
​Our service ministry provides physical nourishment with high-quality foods. We believe food should be served with a loving smile and personality, and this ministry epitomizes what it means to serve with gladness. Whether it's a special occasion or just a random Sunday, you can count on our service ministry to ensure the food is hot and bellies are full! Acts 6:1-3.
All the King's Men's Ministry Leader
Jason Graham
Men's Ministry is designed to build God's man! The teachings are centered around becoming the man we're called to be. There are no exceptions or excuses. Men were built to lead, and the men's ministry is dedicated to establishing leaders throughout the ministry and community. You are invited to join our bi-monthly ministry meetings where breakfast is served and the Word is imparted. Psalm 4:3.
Free 2 Be Me Youth Ministry Leaders
Maurice & Shaketta Johnson
​At New Remnant, we encourage our youth to be unafraid and unashamed of who they are in Christ. We seek to teach and empower our youth with what it means to be bold in Christ. Discussing various topics relevant to today's youth, we meet them where they are, without blame or judgment, and encourage them to grow in Christ. Free To Be Me means I know who and whose I am! 1 Peter 2:9.

Intercessory Ministry
Joi Key
​Our Intercessory Ministry comprises individuals committed to covering our ministry in prayer. This Spirit-led ministry is not limited to Sunday Service but is willing to intercede upon the inclination and direction of Holy Spirit. We understand that intercessors must take on the mind of Christ to see what He saw, feel what He felt, and respond how He responded! Intercessors intercede according to the will of God! Matthew 6:9-10.

Evangelism Ministry Leader
Pete Key
Spreading the gospel of Christ should be executed without limitation and excuse to reach the lost. Our newly developed evangelism ministry is designed to perform the Great Commission Christ gave in Matthew 28: 18-20. We understand evangelism isn't restricted to verbal testimonies but includes lifestyles that impact those who don't believe, so they would wonder, "What must I do to be saved"? 1 Timothy 4:11-16.

Outreach Coordinator Ministry Leader
Sharlene Key
Part of our church mission is to make the community aware of our existence and desire to serve them. As we engrave ourselves locally, we seek to establish rapport and connect with other agencies, services, and churches designed for the community's greater good. We intend to involve ourselves in community activities to establish a constant presence.
1 Peter 4:10-11

Remnant Kids Ministry Leader
Madison Motton
Children ages 5-12 are invited and encouraged to attend our weekly children's church. Immediately following praise and worship, our kids are dismissed to their separate areas for Christian, Bible-based enrichment. We pride ourselves on visual learning, so expect your child to return to you with something in their hands! Proverbs. 22:6.

Nursery Ministry Leader
Mallory Robinson
NRWC provides a nursery option for parents who desire to enjoy our worship experience while their nursery-aged babies are attended to in their special environment. We provide an innocent and clean space for your children that is monitored by video surveillance to ensure your child's safety. Our nursery option is provided every Sunday after praise and worship.

Church Greeter Ministry Leader
Jimmie Simmons
​Our greeters' ministry is service with a smile! NRWC prides itself on presenting the personality of our ministry. This presentation begins with those on the "front line." We believe greeting is more than a verbal gesture, and members and visitors alike should feel loved and welcome when they first enter our church facility. You are welcome to join us and meet a friendly face! Psalm 84:10.

Growth And Preparation (GAP) Ministry Leader
Wanishea Wilkins
Our Gap Ministry is designed to cater to the ages that have matured Children's Church but may not be ready for "solid food." This group meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday. We have committed and experienced teachers who can meet the Gap kids where they are. Ages 12-16 are invited to participate in this ministry opportunity. 1 Timothy 4:12.

Over Abundance Marriage Ministry Leaders
Milos & Dr. Rachel Winston
Our marriage ministry accommodates married couples in our ministry and community in an environment dedicated to strengthening the marital unit. During our bi-monthly meetings, the couples are confronted with evaluating, learning, and challenging themselves based on sound teaching and God's standard for marriage. Genesis 2:18.
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